Q: I forgot to sign my Vote by Mail Return Envelope, what should I do?

A: Complete the Unsigned Ballot Envelope Statement which is available 60 days before an election to make sure your ballot gets counted. Click on the link below.

Unsigned Ballot Envelope Statement

Q: I received a Signature Verification Statement, what does this mean?

A: If you received a Signature Verification Statement it means that when we tried to verify the signature on your ballot return envelope, it did not match the signature on your voter registration. You must complete and return the Signature Verification Statement by the deadline specified for us to count your ballot.

Signature Verification Statement

Q: My Ballot was damaged or I never received one, what can I do?

A: If your ballot was mismarked, lost or damaged, you can request a replacement ballot. Replacement ballots are available 29 days before an election. (For Military & Overseas Voters replacement ballots are available 45 days before an election.)

Replacement Ballot Request Form

Q: My Envelope has been damaged, how do I get another Envelope?

A: Contact our office at (661) 868-3590 and we can send a new envelope to you. You can also contact our office by email at elections@kerncounty.com.

Q: How do I Track my Ballot and see when it was issued and returned?

A: You can check by clicking on the link below.

Track my Ballot

Q: How secure is Voting by Mail?

A: When we receive your ballot, your signature on the return envelope will be compared to the signature on your voter registration card to make sure it matches and that you are the authorized voter. Your ballot will then be separated from the envelope to protect and maintain its secrecy.

Q: Why wouldn’t my Vote be counted?

A: If you registered on-line, take out your driver’s license or ID card and look at your signature. If the signature on your Vote by Mail Envelope does not look like the signature the DMV has on file, then it won’t look like it to us.

If you registered on paper, we will review your signature against the original.

There are numerous reasons why a voter’s signature on paper or on-line might not match including:

  • Signatures change over time
  • Using initials instead of formal name
  • Printing instead of signing

These reasons generate a letter from our office requesting you update your signature. You can complete a “Signature Update Request” if you know your signature is changing. To update your signature, click on the link below.

Signature Update Request

Other reasons a ballot may not count include:

  • Envelopes are mistakenly signed by another household member.
  • Forgetting to sign your envelope before returning it.
  • We received your ballot after the deadline. Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received within 3 days after the election.

Q: As a Military or Overseas Voter, when will I get my Ballot and return Envelope?

A: Ballots and return envelopes will be sent to Military and Overseas Voters between 60 and 45 days before an election.