Q: Will I be trained to be a Poll Worker?

A: All Poll Workers must attend an overview training session to work at a poll site. Only workers that have been selected to work in the upcoming election will be able to make an on-line reservation for a training class.

Advance reservations are required for all training classes. Reservations are made on a "first come first served" basis.

Q: What is Adopt-A-Poll?

A: Your group/organization would volunteer to work together at the same poll site on Election Day. It is your choice to donate your stipend check to your organization. For more information about the Adopt-A-Poll program, click on the link below.

Adopt a Poll

Q: How do I apply to Adopt-A-Poll?

A: You can apply to Adopt-A-Poll by clicking on the link below.

Adopt-A-Poll Application

Q: How many hours will I work on Election Day?

A: Poll workers are required to arrive at their assigned site at 6a.m. on Election Day and stay until closing is complete, usually around 9:30 PM. Polls are open for voting from 7 AM to 8 PM. You will also be required to help set up the poll site the night before the election. The set up time will be arranged by your team leader.

Q: Is Training Mandatory?

A: Yes, all poll workers must attend a training class. Only workers that have been selected to work at a poll site in the upcoming election will be able to make a reservation for a training class. Advance reservations are required to attend class. Reservations are made on a "first come first served" basis. To sign up for a training class if you are a poll worker, click on the link below.

Poll Worker Portal

Q: I can't work the full day. Are there shifts available?

A: No, all poll workers are required to work the entire day on Election Day.

Q: When do I get paid for serving as a Poll Worker?

A: Checks will be mailed approximately 4-6 weeks after Election Day.

Q: I never received (or lost) my check. What do I do?

A: Call the Elections Office for help getting a new check.

Kern County Elections Division
(661) 868-3590
1-800-452-VOTE (8683)

Q: I've been assigned to work but am no longer able to, what do I do?

A: Call the Elections Office to be excused. It is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $100 to quit unless you are excused. If you are a County employee, you must be excused by the Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters.

Q: I took a training class during the Primary Election, do I have to take it again for the General Election?

A: Yes, all poll workers are required to attend training class before each election.

Q: I missed my training class, can I still work on Election Day?

A: Yes, but you will need to attend a training class. To be rescheduled for a different training class call the Elections Office.

Kern County Elections Division
(661) 868-3590
1-800-452-VOTE (8683)

Q: I am not able to work the Election but I attended training. Will I get paid?

A: No, to receive compensation for attending a training class you must work on Election Day.

Q: How do I apply to be a Student Poll Worker?

A: You can apply to be a student poll worker, by clicking on the link below.

Student Poll Worker Application

Q: When do I get paid for serving as a Student Poll Worker?

A: Checks will be mailed approximately 4-6 weeks after Election Day.

Q: My brother-in-law (or other relative) is on the Ballot. Can I still be a Poll Worker?

A: No, if you are related to anyone on the ballot or working on any campaign you will have to wait until the next election.

Q: I've been helping with a Campaign for a Ballot Measure. Can I still be a Poll Worker?

A: No, if you are working on any campaign for any item or person on the ballot you will have to wait until the next election.